Series on Job

What is Fair? | 1

Preacher: Jackie Law

Date: 10th July, 2022

Passage: Job 1:6 - 2:10

Blurb: In this sermon, Jackie Law begins a three-week series in the book of Job. She explores the question, “What is fair?” and sets up the book as a whole. When the wicked prosper and the righteous suffer is God to blame? Does God play by the rules of retributive justice? Or is there something deeper going on? Come join us as we begin our explorations in the book of Job.

What is Care? | 2

Preacher: Jackie Law

Date: 24th July, 2022

Passage: Job 15:1-13 and Job 16:1-5

Blurb: Jackie continues her series in Job and explores what we can learn from Job’s friends, as we go about the complex task of showing care to one another in the midst of suffering.

What is Prayer? | 3

Preacher: Jackie Law

Date: 31st July, 2022

Passage: Job 42:1-10

Blurb: In the third and final sermon Jackie asks what can we learn about prayer in the book of Job? She demonstrates that when all is said and done, one of God’s criticisms of Job’s friends is the absence of prayer. In contrast, in the midst of suffering and anguish, Job did this journey with God, as a person who prays.