Carols By the Beach
Combined Churches on the Eastern Shore are hosting “Carols By the Beach”. Children’s Activities from 4pm, Carols 5pm-7pm at the Bellerive Beach Park.

Extraordinary Choir
Everyone is welcome at our community singalong, which meets at 10am on the first Tuesday of each month. This Extraordinary Choir of community members is not planning on performing or being competitive - we just meet with other people who enjoy singing. You don’t even have to be able to sing. There will be a cuppa and biscuit afterwards in the supper room. For more information please call Andrew on 0419 821412 or email andrew.davis@y7mail.com.
The theme for this month is peace, cotton and seniors.

Extraordinary Choir
Everyone is welcome at our community singalong, which meets at 10am on the first Tuesday of each month. This Extraordinary Choir of community members is not planning on performing or being competitive - we just meet with other people who enjoy singing. You don’t even have to be able to sing. There will be a cuppa and biscuit afterwards in the supper room. For more information please call Andrew on 0419 821412 or email andrew.davis@y7mail.com.
The theme for this month is spring, coconuts and sign language.

Men’s Social Night
We welcome all guys to join us for a catch-up at the Bellerive Yacht Club. On the first Thursday of every month, we meet together, grab a drink and enjoy good conversations. For more info contact us or turn up on the night.

Faithfulness in Service | Awareness training for volunteers in the Anglican church
St Mark’s is hosting Faithfulness in Service, awareness training for all those volunteering in the Anglican church environment where you may work with children or vulnerable people. Training kicks off at around 11:30am and all those who are part of the Anglican Diocese in Hobart are welcome to join us. Please RSVP to info@stmark’sbellerive.org.au or call the office on 6245 1243.

Combined Churches Prayer Night
Citywide Baptist Church, 400 Cambridge Road, Mornington will be hosting this Combined Churches Prayer night. Please come along for a cuppa and light refreshments from 7pm, and a time of worship and prayer starting at 7:30pm.

Faithfulness in Service | Awareness training for volunteers in the Anglican church
St Mark’s is hosting Faithfulness in Service following our 10am service. FIS is awareness training for all those volunteering in the Anglican church environment where you may work with children or vulnerable people. Training kicks off at around 11:30am and all those who are part of the Anglican Diocese in Hobart are welcome to join us. Please RSVP to info@stmark’sbellerive.org.au or call the office on 6245 1243.

Church lunch
What better way is there to celebrate this special weekend at St Mark’s, than with a medieval inspired lunch! All our congregations are invited to come along and share a meal together and ponder the virtues of Francis of Assisi and how we may reflect them in today’s world.
Please register your attendance on the sign-up sheet on the information table.

The Inaugural David Peters Lecture | Francis of Assisi with visiting speaker Rhys Bezzant
Francis of Assisi is well known, and hardly known at all. He’s famous for his humility, compassion, prayer, simplicity and love of creation. In this talk, visiting lecturer Rhys Bezzant will present a holistic portrait of his life and explore the poor man of Assisi’s vision for the church and the world. His was an age like ours when society was changing rapidly and the authority of the church was seen as compromised. His life is full of surprises and challenges for us.
A light supper will be available before the lecture which will be followed by cheese and wine. Please book your free ticket here.
Rhys Bezzant is lecturer in church history at Ridley Melbourne. He has recently been translating a landmark work on the life of St Francis of Assisi.

Great company, great conversations about life, faith and meaning. No pressure. No charge.
Alpha runs over 8 weeks on a Wednesday evening. A light dinner, coffee and dessert provided. Contact us for more info or to register.

Extraordinary Choir
Everyone is welcome at our community singalong, which meets at 10am on the first Tuesday of each month. This Extraordinary Choir of community members is not planning on performing or being competitive - we just meet with other people who enjoy singing. You don’t even have to be able to sing. There will be a cuppa and biscuit afterwards in the supper room. For more information please call Andrew on 0419 821412 or email andrew.davis@y7mail.com.

Great company, great conversations about life, faith and meaning. No pressure. No charge.
Alpha runs over 8 weeks on a Wednesday evening. A light dinner, coffee and dessert provided. Contact us for more info or to register.

Extraordinary Choir
Everyone is welcome at our community singalong, which meets at 10am on the first Tuesday of each month. This Extraordinary Choir of community members is not planning on performing or being competitive - we just meet with other people who enjoy singing. You don’t even have to be able to sing. There will be a cuppa afterwards. For more information call Andrew on 0419 821412 or email andrew.davis@y7mail.com.

Men’s Social Night
We welcome all guys to join us for a catch-up at the Bellerive Yacht Club. On the first Thursday of every month, we meet together, grab a drink, have a game of pool and good conversation. For more info contact us or turn up on the night.

Senior Ladies' Lunch
Once again our senior ladies are gathering and heading out for lunch. If you are new to St Mark’s or the Bellerive community you are very welcome to join us. Meeting here at 11:30am our ladies will convoy to Iron Creek Bay Cafe, just past Sorell. Cost is $35 per person for a selection of soups, sandwiches, sweets and coffee/tea/juice. Please RSVP to info@stmarksbellerive.org.au.

Praise Hymn!
St Mark’s invites our local community to a ‘hymn-along’ at 10am on Friday 26 May. Come and hear the origin and meaning of the songs you love. If you have a favourite hymn you’d love to hear, please email us at info@stmarksbellerive.org.au.

Welcome Lunch for those new to St Mark’s
All those who are new to St Mark’s are invited to join us for a welcome lunch following our 10am service on 7 May. This is always a fun time of forming new friendships and finding out a little more about St Mark’s.

Easter 10am | All Ages Service
Bring your friends and neighbours along to share in a vibrant and energetic celebration of the Easter story.

Easter 8:30am | Communion Service
Join us as we reflect and meditate upon Jesus' death and resurrection.

Combined Churches Easter Dawn Service
The Combined Churches of Clarence invite you to attend an Easter Dawn Service at Bellerive Beach on Easter Sunday starting 6am. Please join us in the St Mark’s hall for breakfast after the service.

Good Friday 10 am | All Ages Service
Come and join us on Good Friday for our All Ages Service. Our service will feature stories, music and creative arts exploring the message of the cross, followed by hot cross buns and a cuppa. Everyone welcome.

Ladies Lunch Outing
All ladies of St Mark’s are invited to lunch at My Slice of Pie, Huonville. Meeting at St Mark’s at 11am we will convoy to Huonville for a delicious 2 course lunch for $28 per person. Please sign up or email info@stmarksbellerive.org.au to have your name added to the growing list.

St Mark's Food Garden | Home Harvest 2023
St Mark's Food Garden is excited to be part of the Home Harvest 2023 host day on Sunday 19th March from 1pm until 3:30pm. This is a day when edible gardens around the Hobart area open their gates for members of the community to book in and visit productive food gardens to "look, learn and get inspired to grow some of their own food". To book in your visit, click here.

Diocesan Forum with Ridley Lecturer Scott Harrower
The Anglican Diocese of Tasmania is hosting a forum here at St Mark’s on Friday 17 March starting with supper from 7pm and forum from 7:20pm. All are welcome to hear Scott speak around the topic of women in the church, reflecting on his book ‘Raised from Obscurity, Women in Luke – Acts’. All are welcome.

Church Picnic
Join the St Mark’s church family for our annual summer picnic, meeting at the Bellerive Beach Park after our 10am service (around 12pm). BYO picnic, chair, ball games and hat. Hot chips and sauce will be provided. Hope to see you there!

Christmas Day Service
Come and join with us and we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ - the one who came to seek and save the lost!

Christmas Eve Service
Join us for Christmas cake and port from 10:30pm, with our traditional Midnight Holy Communion Christmas service starting at 11pm.

Kids' Christmas Celebration
Join with us from 4pm as we create murals and musical instruments to use in our Carols Service. Carols start around 5pm, followed by a BBQ, ice-cream and drinks at 5:30pm. Gold coin donation would be appreciated. Everyone is welcome!

Carols by the Beach
Everyone is invited to join us for the annual CAROLS BY THE BEACH. Activities for kids start at 4:15pm, including the Sands Family Circus who will teach a few circus tricks and perform for us. Carols start at 5pm, lead by the Combined Churches of Clarence. Lions Club of Clarence will provide a BBQ and there will be coffee and ice-cream vans. Please BYO chair and blanket.

Senior Ladies Lunch Outing
Our final lunch outing for the year! Meeting at St Mark’s 11am to travel in convoy to Oyster Cove Inn, Kettering. Cost is $25 for a 2 course meal.