Series on 1 Samuel

Hannah’s Song | 1

Preacher: Kim Beales

Date: 13th December, 2020

Passage: 1 Samuel 2:1-11 (cf. chapters 1:1-2:11)

Blurb: We kick off our series in 1 Samuel with an advent sermon that explores the great symphony that is the Bible. We discover that Hannah's song is not merely a song about a miraculous birth, it is actually the great theme song of the Bible. The song articulates amazing things about our wondrous God, and it is a song that one day will be fulfilled in the song of Mary, when she became pregnant with Jesus.

The Call of Samuel | 2

Preacher: Kim Beales

Date: 2nd May, 2021

Passage: 1 Samuel 3:1-21 (cf. chapters 2:12-3:21)

Blurb: In this sermon we not only discover the call of the boy Samuel, we see how God is bringing a change of leadership in all Israel. We find a community experiencing a famine of the Word of the Lord, under the leadership of corrupt priests. Yet God is able to turn things around. This same God is able to bring the changes our world needs.

The Ark Narrative | 3

Preacher: Kim Beales

Date: 9th May, 2021

Passage: 1 Samuel 4:1-11 (cf. chapters 4:1-7:17)

Blurb: This sermon spans four chapters all about the Ark of the covenant. When the people start trusting the Ark for military success instead of trusting in God, things go terribly wrong. The Ark gets captured by the Philistines. In other religions this could surmount to defeat of Israel's God, but what we discover in 1 Samuel is to the contrary. God remains sovereign, and acts powerfully in a foreign land. Yet how does this curious account prepare us for Jesus, the one who truly is God's presence in the world? Come join us as we explore the story of the Ark.

Israel Asks for a King | 4

Preacher: Kim Beales

Date: 16th May, 2021

Passage: 1 Samuel 8:1-22

Blurb: Israel is facing a leadership crisis. Eli's sons are scoundrels and Samuel's sons are corrupt. At heart, it's the problem of hereditary leadership; who can provide a worthy son? The people need leaders who they can rely on and trust. So, they come up with a plan, and come to Samuel with a petition: "Give us a king!" But this was merely more of the same; hereditary leadership! And God was Israel's king. How do we assess the people's request? Come explore a major transition point in the life of Israel, and marvel at the God who accepts the people's request despite it's complexity, and will one day provide the kind of king the world truly needs, Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Saul Searches for Donkeys | 5

Preacher: Stuart Millar

Date: 23rd May, 2021

Passage: 1 Samuel 9:1-27

Blurb: We are introduced to Saul who starts a journey looking for his father's donkeys, and returns home, having been anointed by Samuel, to be Israel's future king. In all of it we see God working behind the scenes, orchestrating the chance encounters of people, like a master chess player. Yet how might God continue to lead us, and enable significant encounters today? Come and explore as this week Stuart Millar brings us the sermon.

What Do We Make of Saul? | 6

Preacher: Kim Beales

Date: 30th May, 2021

Passage: 1 Samuel 13:1-15

Blurb: Reading the story of Saul is like reading Shakespearian tragedy. In this sermon we examine his leadership: the good and the bad, up to the point of God's rejection of Saul as king. What is the purpose of reading tragedy? What is God teaching us? And how does the story of Saul's demise prepare us for Jesus, our true and faithful king? Come join us as we explore Saul's kingship.

Samuel Anoints David | 7

Preacher: Kim Beales

Date: 6th June, 2021

Passage: 1 Samuel 16:1-22

Blurb: God leads Samuel to Bethlehem where he will anoint a new king. He sees some tall and handsome sons, but God tells Samuel that he doesn't look at the outward appearance, but to the heart. God's heart is set on David, the youngest, the shepherd boy, who will be anointed king. In this sermon we'll explore what it is to learn to see as God sees, what it is to have a heart like David's, and how David will ultimately point us to Jesus.

David & Goliath | 8

Preacher: Kim Beales

Date: 13th June, 2021

Passage: 1 Samuel 17: 1-58

Blurb: This is one of the more famous stories in the Bible. We marvel at the faith and courage of a shepherd boy who will take his stand against a ferocious giant of a man! But how is David's victory won? And how does David's victory over Goliath prepare us for Jesus who will overcome the greatest giant in the biggest battle that can be fought? Come join us as see.

Saul’s Jealousy & Fear of David | 9

Preacher: Kim Beales

Date: 20th June, 2021

Passage: 1 Samuel 18:1-16

Blurb: David becomes increasingly successful, to the point where the women sing the song: "Saul has slain his thousands; and David his tens of thousands." It becomes the number one hit song in Israel... and Saul hates it! In this sermon we unmask the underlying attitudes behind jealousy, anger and fear. These attitudes wreak havoc when left unchecked. We explore the theme of idols of the heart, and what it is to honestly bring our hearts to God so that we can overcome the follies that might also thwart our lives. At the centre of this is the gospel of Jesus.

The Pursuit Narratives | 10

Preacher: Kim Beales

Date: 27th June, 2021

Passage: 1 Samuel 24:1-22

Blurb: God formed Israel in the wilderness. David too will experience a period in the wilderness as Saul becomes obsessed with having David killed. In this sermon we discover the significance of the wilderness in the formation of character. We'll cover a broad narrative across 10 chapters in which we'll observe how David was tested and prepared for his kingship, including the possibility of vengeance. We'll discover how Jesus himself faced similar tests, and yet ultimately overcame every hurdle, ultimately going to the cross for the sins of the world.